  • Dieu a dit

    Dieu a dit

    9 2025-03-20

God Said ... Day to Humor Him! Good religion!

Find sentences starting with " Dieu a dit " vote and send yours easily!

" Dieu a dit to Eva that Tony was cheating on her and yet Eva thought he knew Tony Parker"

" Dieu a dit to Thierry Henry:" wins the World Cup ", and Thierry laughs."

"God said to Hélène to go to the forest without a compass and Hélène Ségara!"

" Dieu a dit to Carla de Bronzer and from Carla Bruni"

" Dieu a dit Katy to die and Katy Perry"

" Dieu a dit Ingrid to fool in school and since she has been Betancourt"

" Dieu a dit Hugo to work and from Hugo Boss"

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= Definition God =

Be eternal, creator of the universe. A God, of the gods: mythical, mythological divinity of paganism.

In monotheistic religions, God is a supreme, unique, immaterial, transcendent, unique creative entity of everything and absolute perfection. These religions attribute to him the characteristics of infinite, omniscience, eternity, omnipotence and demiurgy.

Considered a proper name in the French language, the name "God" with a capital letter then designates "a supreme, transcendent, unique and universal being, creator and author of all things, principle of salvation for humanity which is revealed in the course of history".

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